Theme Color | | |
Unlimited Theme Color | Yes | Yes |
Dark/Light Mode | Yes | Light Mode |
Header Settings | | |
Unlimited Header Style | Yes | Yes |
Top Bar Features | Yes | Limited |
Main Header Features | Yes | Limited |
Nav Bar Features | Yes | Limited |
Home/Blog Sections | | |
Slider Section | Yes | Limited |
Introduction Section | Yes | Limited |
Featured Categories Section | Yes | Limited |
Featured Section | Yes | Limited |
Hero Content Section | Yes | Limited |
Popular Section | Yes | Limited |
Call To Action Section | Yes | Limited |
Latest Blog Section | Yes | Limited |
Footer Settings | | |
Unlimited Footer Style | Yes | Yes |
Footer Widget Area Style | Yes | Yes |
Site Info Features | Yes | Limited |
Back To Top Features | Yes | Yes |
Inner Pages Options | | |
Archive/Search Page Customization | Yes | Yes |
Single Page Customization | Yes | Yes |
Static Page Customization | Yes | Yes |
Theme Options | | |
Multiple Demo Import | Yes | Limited |
Typography ( Google Fonts ) | Unlimited | Limited |
Menus | Yes | Limited |
Sidebar/Off Canvas Styling | Yes | Yes |
Sticky Sidebar | Yes | No |
Site Background & Layout | Yes | Yes |
Mouse Cursor Style | One | Two |
Pre Loader | Yes | Yes |
404-Page Customization | Yes | Yes |
Custom Widgets | Yes | No |
Plugins Support | | |
Elementor | Yes | Yes |
WooCommerce | Yes | Yes |
Post/Page Metabox Options | | |
Page Layout | Yes | Yes |
Select Sidebar Option | Yes (5) | Limited (2) |
Block Patterns | | |
Prebuilt Block Patterns | Yes (25+) | Limited (6) |